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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Minimum Master title for one of the authors of the work submitted to evaluation and other authors must be at least up.

  • Articles submitted to Uniaraguaia magazine must have a maximum of 6 (six) authors. Once the article is submitted, no change in authorship may be made (inclusion, exclusion or replacement of names).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format. On a face page, the title of the article (Portuguese-English), the name of the author (s), the institution to which belongs (m), e-mail (of all authors), agency promotion.
  • The works sent must present title (Portuguese - English), summary (Portuguese - English) and keywords (Portuguese - English). The work that does not fit this requirement will be returned to the authors to make the adjustments to this Standard.

    The work must have a maximum of 25 pages. The number of pages must include tables, figures and bibliography.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another magazine; Otherwise, it should be justified in "comments to the editor".
  • Where available, URLs for references were provided.
  • The text is in simple space; Use a 12-point source; employs italics instead of underlined (except at addresses (URL)); The figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in guidelines for authors on the magazine page.
  • Works involving the collection and removal of wild animals from natural environments, must be accompanied by a license to release authorization for their execution.

Author Guidelines

System Submission Information (OJS)

To submit:

1) Access the system with login and password;

2) If necessary click on the user's page tab at the top of the page and,

3) In the author line, click [new submission]. Open the page with step 1. From there, just follow the instructions on the screen. ATTENTION:

In “Step 3. Submission Metadas (Indexing)” of the process, the information highlighted below must be completed for all authors as directed below:

a) Name, middle name and surname: Put the full name, without abbreviations, corresponding to each field.

b) E-mail: Author's contact email and which will later be available in the final file of the publication.

c) Orcid ID: Optional field, for the author to insert his orcid identifier, if desired.

d) URL: In this field you can place the address of the Lattes resume (eg, or another link to the author's resume or leave blank.

e) Institution/affiliation: institutional bond of the author.

f) Country: country of institutional bond.

g) Summary of the biography: Indicate the formation of the author (area and institution in which it completed the respective course) of undergraduate and last titration (indicating if specialization, master or doctorate).

Important considerations

Articles submitted to Uniaraguaia magazine must have a maximum of 6 (six) authors. Once the article is submitted, no change in authorship may be made (inclusion, exclusion or replacement of names).

Dear authors, so that your work is published in Uniaaraguaia magazine and automatically updated and recognized worldwide, register orcid and enter the identifier code in your registration in Uniaaraguaia magazine, because in one place all your publications, and,, Through integration with other identifiers (Researcher ID, Scopus ID, Crossref Doi, etc.) will be grouped.

The article must be sent only through the magazine's website (, upon registration of one of the authors, to be subjected to analysis.
The identification of the authors is done through the electronic submission of the text on the portal, filling all fields, including co -authorship, so that the identification of authorship should not be done in the text of the text to be attached. In the completion fields of authors and co -authors there are spaces that must be filled, such as complete names of the authors, institutional affiliation, curriculum synopsis (data on academic background, institutional affiliation and main publication. Up to 150 words), postal address for correspondence and address electronic.
Editors may decide on the relevance of opening the editorial process for the proposed manuscript, based on the following criteria: bond with the focus and scope of the magazine, presenting originality, clarity of the central argument, conclusions based on systematic investigations and adequacy in Submission Standards of manuscripts.

Importantly, animal research should cite the approval of the research by the animal research ethics committee of the institution where the work was performed. The lack of this approval prevents the publication of the article.

The selected manuscripts for the editorial process will be sent to two reviewers. The evaluation process will be anonymous and the editorial board will make the final selection of the publication.

All manuscripts must be sent in Word. On a face page, the title of the article (Portuguese-English), the name of the author (s), the institution to which belongs (m), e-mail (of all authors), agency promotion.

The works sent must present title (Portuguese - English), summary (Portuguese - English) and keywords (Portuguese - English). The works that do not fit this rejection will be returned to the authors to perform the adjustments to this standard.
The work must have a maximum of 25 pages. The number of pages must include tables, figures and bibliography.
The scientific writing must be clear and direct, leaving no margins to different interpretations from what you want to communicate.
Vulgar, colloquial and ambiguous expressions should be avoided.
It is recommended, in scientific language, to use the third person singular and passive voice. The exhaustive expressions should be avoided, using statements or denials that are consequences of reasoning or logical inferences of the analyzed data.
Short paragraphs are more recommended in a scientific writing.
Works involving the collection and removal of wild animals from natural environments, must be accompanied by a license to release authorization for their execution.
The citation of monographs, dissertations, theses, summaries and complete articles published in event annals should be avoided. Whenever there is a number of DOI (Digital Object Identifier), indicate it at the end of the reference. In the case of articles without DOI, but available at email addresses of free access magazines, indicate the link (“Available at: Link”) at the end of the reference.

Formatting of the article

The work to be considered for publication must obey the rules of ABNT/NBR 6022/2018; 6028/2021:


The texts should be presented on white paper, A4 format (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm), typed in the leaf amverse except the face sheet.
I. Source: Times New Roman

II Size 12 for text.

III. Size 11 for long quotes.

IV. Size 10 for footnotes.


The leaves must have a left and higher margin of 3 cm; right and lower 2.0 cm.

All text must be typed with simple space between the lines.
Paragraph of the first line of each paragraph must be 1.25 cm.
Long quotes, notes and summaries should be entered in simple space.
Bibliographic references must be typed in 1.5 spaces between the lines.

The numbering is placed, from the first sheet of the textual part, in Arabic numerals, in the upper right corner of the leaf, 2 cm from the upper edge, with the last digit 2 cm from the right edge of the sheet.

Uniaaraguaia magazine accepts submissions preferably in English and may also receive in Spanish and Portuguese. It is strongly recommended the submission of articles in English so that it has greater dissemination and consequently greater impact on the area. English arts can follow either the “American” or “British” style and spelling, however the authors should be consistently consistent text. If the article is approved for publication, after the opinion of the reviewers, the authors themselves must provide the translation and grammatical and linguistic correction of the article.

If the manuscript written in Portuguese is accepted for publication, if desired, the author may translate the approved version into the English language. The translation must be done by a language expert and with knowledge of the technical terms of the area, which must be proven by means of a declaration or certification of the translator attesting the service.

The authors themselves will be responsible for the translation and linguistic review that should be done by certified companies, preferably one of those indicated by the magazine, as list below:


Global Edico

Ready to Pub


[American Journal Express]

[Biomed Proofreading]

[BioDit Scientific Editing]


[Paulo Boschcov -;]

Editage: http: //

Formatting of the article

The work to be considered for publication in the Uniaaraguaia magazine must obey the rules set forth in the template available at the link below:

Template for formatting and presentation of scientific production


The editorial is a type of text used in the press, especially in newspapers and magazines, whose purpose is to inform, but without obligation to be neutral, indifferent. Therefore, objectivity and impartiality are not characteristic of this textual typology, since the writer has the opinion of the newspaper on the subject narrated. Therefore, events are reported under the subjectivity of the reporter, so that it evidences the position of the media, that is, of the group that is behind the channel of communication. Thus, we can say that the editorial is a text more opinionated than informative. The editorial has a fact and an opinion. The fact informs what happened and the opinion conveys the interpretation of what happened.


According to ABNT NBR 6022 / 2003a, there are three types of articles. Thus, according to the characteristic of the analysis elaborated by the researcher, the article can have the following distinction:

Theoretical Article: It presents an argument favorable or unfavorable to a certain vision of reality.

Analytical Article: The researcher elaborates an analysis of each component belonging to the subject seeking to make a relation with the whole.

Classification Article: It seeks to establish a classification of the characteristics of a certain theme by explaining its parts.

Technical, Pedagogical or Scientific Notes

Communications on teaching experiences in Administration, Public Administration, Architecture and Urbanism, Biological and Accounting Sciences, Building Construction, Physical Education, Environmental, Agronomic, Civil Engineering, Journalism, Pedagogy, Advertising and Technology in Business Management.


It consists of condensing a text while maintaining its fundamental ideas. In this sense, the reader must remain faithful to the author's ideas. This does not mean that he will only transcribe them, on the contrary, he needs, with the words of his own vocabulary, to express the message conveyed by the author. In short, it is a matter of exposing, in general in a single block, the main ideas contained in the text.


It is the choice of a context or reference (or the result of this choice) from which one senses, categorizes, measures, or encodes one experience, typically by comparison with another. The basic idea that unites all these meanings of the word perspective is that human experience is relativized according to the point of view of where it is experienced. It is usually called a world view as the perspective with which an individual, a community or a society sees the world and its problems at a given moment in history, gathering in itself a series of cultural values and the accumulated knowledge of that historical period in question.


Review is a critical summary. In this sense, it admits judgments, evaluations, connections with other authors and personal comments, but theoretically based, therefore, the reader should not pretend to criticize without first doing a detailed study of the subject that will be reviewed.


The development of this essay is elaborated on the basis of one's own ideas or of others, as a theoretical basis, based on an in-depth study of a well-defined topic. The writing of the essay should be based primarily on the memory and / or the paraphrase resource. Thus, if the producer of the text wishes to substantiate his argument, he should make citations, preferably, indirect. Since it refers to an essay, the essay must obey a certain limit of paragraphs so that it does not become an article. Thus, the Essay needs to contain approximately 10 (ten) to 12 (twelve) paragraphs. Because it is a text with a more technical language, it must be produced according to the demands of science, that is, with a referential language. As for the verbal person, according to the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms - ABNT (2002), it is necessary to use the third person singular or, therefore, the first person plural.

Dossiê Docência Universitária

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