
RENEFARA is a semiannual electronic publication of Faculdade Araguaia. Its purpose is to publish articles, points of view, summaries, reviews, relevant essays and results of theoretical studies and researches in the areas of Administration, Public Administration, Architecture and Urbanism, Sciences Biological, and Accounting, Building Construction, Physical Education, Environmental, Agronomic, Civil Engineering, Journalism, Pedagogy, Advertising and Technology and Commercial Management, covering multidisciplinary themes or lines of research focused on improving education, For problems of society, development of the professional critical sense as a source of resources for the construction of knowledge.

The manuscripts, which may be in Portuguese, English and Spanish, must be unpublished and should be addressed exclusively to the Electronic Journal of Education of the Faculty of Araguaia, not being allowed simultaneous presentation to another periodical, both in the text and figures Or tables, either in whole or in part, with the exception of abstracts or preliminary reports published in Proceedings of Scientific Meetings.

The original must be submitted by the online system, after registering in it as AUTHOR. Submissions made by other modes will not be accepted.

The minimum degree of MESTRE is required for one of the authors of the work submitted for evaluation. For the submission will also be accepted manuscripts elaborated in coauthory with researchers doctors linked to national and international teaching and research institutions.

  • Dear authors, so that your work is published in RENEFARA and is automatically updated and recognized all over the world, make your ORCID registration and insert the code identifier in your REGISTRY IN RENEFARA, because in a single place all your publications, and, through Of integration with other identifiers (Researcher ID, Scopus ID, Crossref DOI, etc.) will be grouped together.
  • The article should be sent only through the Revista's website (, by registering one of the authors, to be submitted for analysis.
  • All manuscripts must be submitted in Word. A title page should include the title of the article (Portuguese - English), the name of the author (s), the institution to which it belongs, email (of all authors), Development.
  • SUBMITTED WORKS MUST SUBMIT COMPULSORY TITLE (Portuguese - English), Abstract (Portuguese - English) and Keywords (Portuguese - English). The works that do not fit this requirement will be returned to the authors to carry out the adaptations to this norm.